Before you start your on-line job search, be prepared. Here's what you'll need to get started (besides the computer!): Many online applications (even for part-time jobs) ask for contact information, educational background and employment history. You will need to know when you worked and what you were paid at your previous jobs. In addition, you may want to have a resume ready in Microsoft Word, that you can attach or copy into your application. You will also want to think about what days and hours you are available to work, as many employers will want to know. And proofread. Always read it over and check for spelling and grammar before you press the send button – there is no turning back on making a good impression. Planning ahead makes online applications easy – and helps you get them right the first time!
Need to find a part-time job fast? Here are a few simple suggestions to help you with a speedy search. Be available – have a telephone answering machine or voice mail available so that potential employers can get in touch with you. Be prepared – employers may want to interview you on the spot. Be dressed appropriately and ready to talk to them whenever they are ready for you. Be resourceful – Search local and part-time job search websites. In many cases, you will be able to apply online. Be ready – your job is out there, waiting for you!
Looking to find a great part time job? Why not start with the local newspapers in your state – they are often the first place employers turn to list their available jobs. For a complete listing of local newspapers in your state, visit There may be no better way to find a part time job than to search these great listings, featuring hundreds of excellent hourly jobs available throughout your community!
Looking for a great part time job this summer? Its as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1 – Make sure you have a good idea of what type of job you are looking for. Match your skills to those jobs, ensuring that prospective employers will find you valuable. 2 – Check out local newspapers and job search websites. 3 – Ask friends and family members for their suggestions - they may know of some great part time jobs at their companies. And remember, be optimistic - great employers are looking for you, too!
Great local retail jobs are available in two easy places – on your front step, and on your desktop! For those who like to start in print, why not check out your local newspapers? There are few places were you can find a better list of local part time jobs than in your local newspaper. For a list of newspapers in your area, visit For those who like to start online, you should check out the classified section of your local newspaper on the web - it is a great way to hit those jobs fast and find the perfect ones to apply for!
Want a part-time job at a local business? Talk to someone who shops or works there. They may know of open positions, or may have an idea of how you could “stand out” in the field of applicants. Getting this inside scoop will always put you on the inside track. In addition, it really helps to apply in person for jobs – this way the employer gets to meet you and get a feel for your personality and people skills – that is one sure way to help them remember who you are when it comes to hiring. “Networking,” by talking to people and asking for their advice and influence, is really is a great way to learn about available jobs and learn how to make them yours.
How do I find a job in Denver, Colorado?
How do I find a job in Colorado?
How do I find a job in Colorado Springs, Colorado?
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How do I find a job in San Diego, California?
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How do I find a job in Cleveland, Ohio?
How do I find a job in Boston, Massachusetts?
How do I find a job in Atlanta, Georgia?
How do I find a job in Pennsylvania?
How do I find a job in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
How do I find a job in Las Vegas, Nevada?
How do I find a job in Chicago, Illinois?
How do I find a job in Florida?
How do I find a job in Orlando, Florida?
How do I find a job in Tampa, Florida?
How do I find a job in Arizona?
How do I find a job in Phoenix, Arizona?
How do I find a job in Tucson, Arizona?
How do I find a job in Virginia?
How do I find a job in Norfolk, Virginia?
How do I find a job in Fairfax, Virginia?
How do I find a job in Northern Virginia?
How do I find a job in Minnesota?
How do I find a job in Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota?
How do I find a job in Michigan?
How do I find a job in Detroit, Michigan?
How do I find a job in Maryland?
How do I find a job in Baltimore Maryland?
How do I find a job in Annapolis or Rockville, Maryland?
How do I use America's Job Bank?
How do I use the USA Job Bank?
Where can I find part time jobs?
Where can I find part time jobs in retail?
Where can I find part time jobs in restaurants?
Where can I find part time jobs in food service?
Where can I find part time, summer jobs?
Where can I find a summer job?
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